Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sharon Amony

Sharon Amony
Sharon was born on January 3, 1995. She speaks Luo and English and has two siblings. In 1998 she lost her dad to AIDS. Her mother is alive, but sadly, is slowly dying of the same disease. Despite her condition, Sharon’s mother survives by brewing and selling a potent, local, alcoholic beverage.  Sharon helped her mother most of the time and could be seen also selling it on the local streets.  She lived in a densely populated slum of drunk and sickly people. It was no place for a child to grow up.
 By 2006 her mother’s illness had progressed to a serious state and an aunt brought Sharon to live at her home. The aunt is a school teacher and although she was already caring for many other orphans, she welcomed one more. She made sure that Sharon attended school. During this time Sharon was put on the list to enter Otino Waa.
When space opened up in 2007, Sharon was admitted and now has a new family, home and school.  She is so happy to have a bed, clothes, food every day and to be able to attend great school. She likes her studies, especially Science, English and Social Studies. She wants to be a nurse for elderly people. She enjoys church, praying and loving Jesus. Sharon has lots of friends and enjoys playing games and netball (volleyball) with them.
She is very grateful her sponsors care about her and continue to support her and is looking forward to hearing from them. She wanted to tell them that she sends her prayers and blessings to them.

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