Friday, April 26, 2013

Bee Story

(Taken from a team member’s journal entry 7/09)

Picture a calm, warm – no make that hot, evening as the sun goes away at about 7:00.  It is still about 90 with the humidity matching the same number.  A dozen or so of us have gathered in the POP’s Bee Center at Otino Waa Children’s Village to armor up.  All of the POP’s (People of Purpose) kids are here as well as instructors.  It is time for the weekly inspection of the hives at Otino Waa.  As a visiting team we have been invited to come observe. 

As I choose a set of coveralls that don’t match the length of my legs, I should have taken that as the first red flag.  No matter, we are given a baggie of rubber bands to secure those, ready for a flood, pant legs.  The heavy duty rubber gloves are already doing a great job of insulating, as my hands are now about 104 degrees.  Carefully band those also.  Is it warm in here or is it just me?

No matter, I need to concentrate on getting the head gear on.  The hat, which suspiciously looks as if it started life as a women’s, is 4 sizes too small, but I’m caught up in the adventure of it all and determine this to be a minor thing. The final walk down the fashion ramp has me looking like an explosion in the mosquito net factory.  “More is better”, I keep telling myself.  This will surely confuse or scare a bee.  Why would they even try to attack?  Don’t I look ominous?  Red flag #2.

We slowly walk the ¼ mile to the bee apiary with Bob (Director) answering questions and showing his animated enthusiasm.  This adds lasting memories to my mind as he shows his deep interest in the project and the students.

It comes to my attention that a flashlight would have been a wise choice.  The netting has taken away about 75% of my vision and I find myself wondering how I would ever be able to run if this all goes south.

One of the first things pointed out is the gate.  The only entrance AND make note – the only exit.  It is apparent that hitting the wire fence at speed will probably divide me into three pieces, so make a mental note - don’t try that.  Inside the apiary I have turned around a few times and the location of the exit has become a mystery.  Oh well, plenty of time to figure it out. Red flag #3

I thought that two cameras would be a cool thing to have.  It quickly turns out the video is totally useless as the darkness has convinced the technology that operator error is in effect.  The screen keeps saying, “Open the lens cap dummy”.  Darkness has overtaken its intelligence.  OK, we still have the still cam, but there is no point of reference to aim at.  It’s a lot like going into a closet with the door closed and taking a picture of your big toe.  You might have to take a few flashes to get your radar to kick in.  I have now taken multiple shots of the grass and totally blinded one of the POP’s kids next to me.  That can’t be good if I am depending on him or her as a bee shield.  Of 12 tries, I might have only four decent pictures.

As the POP’s bee team opens the boxes to check the honey combs, it becomes quickly apparent that the bees knew we were coming.  They have poured out of each of the hives and are determined to bring down the enemy.  

As interesting as the evening was, I felt a little isolated as the first bees struck my outer defenses and as the hits mounted, a minor panic set in.  For someone who can kill the engine in a powered parachute at 500 feet and casually recover before hitting the ground, I don’t scare easily.  This activity set off alarms in my head that I have not heard before. 

Wait,……. feel that?  That really can’t be what I think it is.  (BAM- on the right ankle)  OK, the urge to run has to be put away.  (BAM- on the leg), slowly back away, but there is definitely something crawling up my leg at a frightening pace (BAM- on the thigh), slow your breathing down (BAM- on the neck), where’s that gate? (BAM- on ankle again).   I wish I had a flashlight (BAM- on the neck again).  How are these guys getting in??   There is now buzzing in front of my face.  Is that in or out?  Darn, he is in!  Keep cool as you bounce off the gate post and find your way in the dark using the brail method in the vegetation.  Great, a POP’s student (Tony) to save my life as he rakes 5 lbs. of honey magicians off my head and assists me with the rogue in front of my nose.  I had determined that if he got close enough he would drown in the pools of sweat that had accumulated on my face.  I hadn’t heard if bees can swim or not, but the salt would surely stun him long enough for my escape.

As I borrowed Tony’s only flashlight and life line to civilization, I made my way back toward the POP’s Center, taking a long circuitous route trying to avoid kids and moms with the continuing air show.  Before I was able to break out of the layers of cotton and latex, I had managed to drag strays into the Bee Center and POP’s classroom, much to the dismay of innocent bystanders as they invented new dances to escape the rooms.  It seems the bees have an extended memory.

It is an interesting concept to have orphans caring for bees.  They seem to enjoy this project and are very helpful in showing a few brave team members how they can gently handle these crazy critters.  The POP’s students show their abilities and knowledge and we are impressed with another element of hope and future in their lives.  How can you not smile about that?  As I attempt to leave the Bee Center, one last kamikaze, with my ear as a target, tries three times to die for his county.  His hive mates would have been proud.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer Requests

Our Otino Waa house Moms
            Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” 
                        Prov 22:6

            Our Moms are a vital part of the children’s lives at Otino Waa.  Would they ever get tired,             discouraged or sick?  What is your part in their lives?

Our Otino Waa Teachers
            My teaching, let it fall like a gentle rain, my words arrive like morning dew,
                Like a sprinkling rain on new grass, like spring showers on the garden.”
  Deut. 32:2

            Our teachers are producing the next leaders of Uganda.  Would prayer for them be                                     important?

Newly arrived Otino Waa Children
             Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan,
             plead for the widow.”  Isaiah 1:17

            We have the great blessing of welcoming 18 new children to Otino Waa.  All of them                                     need you.   Pray for easy transition, making new friends, discovering the joys of a                         new family and deeper relations with their God. 
                        Would you consider sponsoring one of them?  Can you imagine how a child                                     would feel about you and how that becomes change in that life?


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


 “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”  - Helen Keller

This flower is just outside my home office window. I can see it blooming even though it has been without rain for about 2 months. Yesterday in the afternoon it was 101 outside. No leaves on the stem. Just a beautiful flower. Conditions are parched--but it is determined to bloom. 
It was cause for reflection for my life. Do I respond as well as my plant does? It seems God can send a message in so many ways. This one was for me.
Bob Higgins, Director, PATH Ministries

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Maxwell Okello

Maxwell was born on November 11, 2002. He speaks Luo and is learning English. He is an only child.

In 2003 his dad died of AIDS. His mom also has AIDS and is in need of constant care.
In 2005 and uncle took over the care of this family. Even at this young age, Maxwell was needed to care for his mom. He would get food for her and try to make her comfortable. Sometimes his duties drove him to desperate measures as he would take fruits and vegetables from local gardens at night.
In 2007 the uncle made arrangements for Maxwell to be admitted to Otino Waa. The best that could be done at that time was to put him on a waiting list. Later that same year his mom died. 
Early 2011 brought the good news. Otino Waa was able to accept him. He was introduced to a new family and home. He loves the fact that he now has a new mom. He enjoys school hopes to be a driver when he grows up.