Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"3" Significant Daughters

Uganda – 2013
“3” Significant Daughters

Before going to Uganda, the church I attend had a prayer time over me. During this time I received several “words” about the upcoming trip. One of those was the number “3” would be significant to me on this trip. I was going to Uganda to assist with projects. One was to update pictures and profiles on the orphans at Otino Waa Children’s Village for current and future sponsors. My wife Rhonda and I had no agenda to sponsor a child.

I was blessed to spend a lot of time on interviewing these orphans, asking questions such as; what’s your favorite activity, what makes you smile, what makes you angry, what is your favorite subject, what do you want to be, what is one thing God has done for you, what does your sponsor mean to you, and where would you be without Otino Waa?
I heard some incredible stories of hopelessness and hope. I remember one child telling me; “Russ, before I came to Otino Waa, I did not know hope! I did not even know the word hope “I did not know what hope even meant! But now I know hope!”

I heard stories of difficulties that I will never know, stories of struggle, abuse, suffering, Aids, war, hunger and death! I heard stories of what Otino Waa means to these children, that meeting their basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) is such a blessing! They highly value the education they are receiving and now see a bright future. The stories about what the church means to them and how they love to dance praise and worship God! I don’t know how many times I heard the children say; ohhh, I love to read my bible, ohhh, I love to pray!

One young man told me he loves to pray for people for healing. I asked him to further explain, he said after church service is over and the people go up front for prayer, God shows him who to pray for healing. When I pray for them they get better! I asked him, anything else? He shared that last time he went home to the village, there was a man lying on the ground and very sick, he was like dead. God told me to put my hands on him and pray that he would get well. After praying for him, he got up! He’s fine! I was amazed and later thought; maybe we should sponsor this young man and keep up on his life!

Another question we asked was; what does your sponsor mean to you? All of them were so thankful for what is provided to them by their sponsors! One girl said to me “I am a candle, and my sponsor lights my flame." I was captivated by that and it later would come back in an unexpected way, which leads me to my next story.

I was going to Uganda with team leaders who oversee sponsors. I was not strongly pursuing a child to sponsor, but at the same time was open to it if the Lord directed. It seems the Lord was directing because there was a young lady by the name of Serina that God kept putting on my heart. It increasingly was becoming stronger.


At nights when I was back at the hotel, I would text my wife (Rhonda) and my daughter Jess (she is the one responsible for me being here:) and tell them I believe the Lord is showing us that we are to sponsor Serina. I would ask them to pray and see what God is stirring in them. The Lord was also showing me that He had another young lady in mind too, her name is Edith. I was thinking to myself, ok, wait a minute, one at a time I need to focus on Serina first :)

One afternoon I was walking across Otino Waa and Serina approached me. She said, “Russ, I cannot believe out of all (spreading her arms wide) the children here you would pick me!” I was taken aback by what she said and not sure how to answer her. Now mind you, I have not said one word to Serina or anyone else about the possibility of us sponsoring her. I quickly changed the subject, as we continued to walk. I thought to myself, I wonder if this is a way for them to get you to consider sponsoring them? But I have to say that I immediately disregarded that thought as I knew these children are so truthful, respectful and polite.

That night back at the hotel I once again texted my wife and daughter and said I believe we are to sponsor Serina, they agreed. The next morning after arriving back at Otino Waa, I contacted Emmanuel, who oversees the children and is familiar with each one. I told him we would like to sponsor Serina and asked if he could get her. Serina came and I sat down with her and let her know we wanted to sponsor her and that my family was so excited they were in tears. Serina was smiling ear to ear as well.

As the day progressed, the Lord kept showing me that we were to sponsor Edith as well. That evening, I once again texted Rhonda and Jess and shared more about Edith, we agreed that we should sponsor her too. We will have to figure it out financially, but we needed to do this. Tears were flowing again!

The next morning, I found Emmanuel and asked if he would mind getting Edith. No problem he said, she is in circle 3, house 4! I thought this is the same house as Serina! My mind raced to a thought of oh no! If we are active sponsors and we don’t treat them the same in their eyes it could cause jealousy in the house. Once again I tossed that thought quickly, as these are some of the most sharing kids I know. Edith came and I shared with her about how the Lord kept putting her on my heart and that we wanted to be her sponsor. I also told her that Rhonda and Jess had tears of joy! That really touched Edith and she had tears as well, she said, I do not know how someone could shed tears for me who has never met me? I felt like I needed to tell Edith that we were sponsoring Serina as well. After I told her this, she looked at me and said, oh no problem, she’s my sister! I said are you kidding me? I was overwhelmed with emotion, and now the tears are really flowing. I’m thinking of all these children here how is it that we end up with sisters?

I asked her, well are there any more sisters? She said yes, there is Naume! I said well we are not leaving Naume out; we are going to sponsor her too!

That evening I texted my wife and daughter again and told them the whole story, they were filled awe and tears. Then Rhonda said to me “Well there is your significant “3”! My daughter Jess said, “I have 3 more sisters!” I was able to talk to all 3 girls and made sure they understood, We Truly Love Them and considered them our Daughters and Sisters!

I want to briefly go back to some of the words that were spoken over me before I left my church. Of course there was the significant number “3”, but another word that also struck me, was a word that said you will be the “bearer of the flame”. Now going back to my interview time with the orphans, as stated earlier, there was a young lady I interviewed who said “I am the candle and my sponsor lights my flame!” Well as it turns out, this young lady is Edith! I honestly did not connect any of this as I was the one who interviewed her. God you are amazing!

It’s Sunday April 28th and time for our team to leave. I am sitting here with all three girls.
My heart is a total mess! I am truly ruined for the Lord and them! It’s a great place to be...
I turned to Serina and said you are the one who started all of this. You were the spark! I said, I need to ask you something. That day I was walking across Otino Waa and you came up to me and said “Russ, I can’t believe out of all these children you would pick me!” Why did you say that? Serina said, “For over a year I have been praying to God that He would send someone to love me like a daughter. So for the last year God has been showing me in 4 or 5 dreams that a man was coming. As recently as two weeks ago, I was crying out to God, when? When is he coming? The Lord showed me in a dream, hang on just a little bit longer, he is coming soon, and you will know him because he will be kind and gentle, he will love you like a daughter! And when I saw you Russ, I knew you were him, because you are the same man God has been showing me in my dreams!!!
Ok, I’m on the ground... totally overwhelmed... by the Love of God... and these girls... Serina, Edith and Naume, my significant “3”, they light my flame...

Ruined – Russ R.

Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show great and mighty things, which you do not know”

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Your Prayers for these Concerns.

Transition  Rory & Pam Frink continue to work side by side with Bob & Carol Higgins to gain as much insight as possible in the day to day workings at Otino Waa Children’s Village, Uganda
Many times we are never aware of the details and wisdom required to “fill shoes” or take on new responsibilities.  Here is a quick glimpse of what they must learn: 
 (Pam)     “I am taking some of the duties with the house moms at Otino Waa. One of my jobs is to oversee their needs. I issue their leave passes when there is something they need to attend to. I listen to such heart aches, as death in the family or babies that are unable to eat.
I oversee their needs and repairs for their homes at Otino Waa. Recently I received the request for sleepers and brackets in the bathroom.
I went to work right away to research these requests. The sleepers turned out to be slippers. The brackets turned out to be buckets. That is part of the transition as you get used to a new dialect and culture.”
Please pray for wisdom.
Our “Vulnerable” Kids – Are you aware there are a handful of children at Otino Waa who need medical assistance on a long term basis?  
Some, such as Oscar, require multiple surgeries. 

Others, like Vickie need special shoes or other mechanical assistance.

Please pray for physical and spiritual health.  If you would like to bless these kids with designated medical funds please go HERE

Children’s Church
Each Sunday, across the road from Otino Waa, over 600 locals gather to worship at Ilera Community Church.  The building vibrates with enthusiastic song and dance. 

After a time of music and worship, the children (to age 12) are dismissed to go across the highway to their own service.  There is a mixture of community and Otino Waa kids, but the majority are from the local villages.

Please pray for wisdom and leadership as the older Otino Waa kids play an important part in teaching and shaping these young minds.  This is the future face of Uganda.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

God's Good Grace

God's Good Grace
by Ryan Duncan, Editor at The Fish.com

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9 

I was driving back to my apartment when I came to a stop sign on the side of the road. Now, I knew this area didn’t get much traffic, and I was in a big hurry to be home. So instead of coming to a complete stop, I made a quick glance to make sure there were no cars coming… and coasted through to the next street. That’s when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw there was a car behind me, specifically a white car with spinning lights and the word “police” stamped across it. In that moment I knew I had to be the dumbest driver in the history of automobiles. Sure enough, the lights went on and I got pulled over.

After the officer had taken my license and registration, I sat in my car feeling like an idiot. All I’d needed to do was stop for a full second and I wouldn’t be in this mess. I attempted to calculate the cost of the ticket, and which part of my budget I’d have to slash in order to pay it. I suspected it would be the grocery section, and that I’d be eating a lot of ramen noodles in the following week. Instead, the officer walked back to my car, handed me my license, and said, “I’ll just give you a warning this time. Drive safely.” I was floored.

When I think about the relief that came over me in that moment, I begin to truly understand how much grace God has shown me in my life. Running a stop sign has been the least of my sins. It’s very humbling to look through the darker moments of your life and realize God has forgiven you if you’ve asked him to. Christians can get so lost in the concept of grace that we forget what it’s like to really experience it, to feel the weight of guilt and shame – and sometimes even consequence – suddenly lifted from our shoulders. With Grace, you immediately get a clean slate, every mistake from the past is gone, and once you’ve experienced that you begin to understand the power that lies in verses like John 1:17:
“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
This day, extend the same grace toward others that God extended to you.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Morris Ocen, Otino Waa

Otino Waa Children's Village, Lira Uganda

Morris Ocen

Morris was born 8/1/99.  He has three siblings and is the youngest.

In 2000 he lost his dad to malaria. He lost his mom in 2007 to unknown causes. He was left with an uncle who took him and his siblings to stay with his family. The total in this household was now 14.

Morris was fortunate in that the uncle was a firm believer in education and did all he could to see that the children went to school. As school fees were needed this was accomplished by rotating the kids through various grade levels and holding some back. Morris did miss some grade levels and spent the off times helping his uncle with cattle and vegetable

In 2007 Morris was interviewed for placement into Otino Waa. He was placed on a waiting list and remained hopeful. He had to wait until early 2011 to have his dream come true.  He now had a new family, home and hope for a future.

He has started school again and wants to be a doctor. He would love to meet his sponsors some day and is very grateful for what they are doing for him.

You can become Morris's Sponsor

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lost & Found Documentary

We've signed on with Passion River Films as a distributor for "Lost & Found". The film is available on their website as well as amazon.com. Even if you own a copy, you can still help. Please review the documentary at: http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Found-Sandy-Cummings/dp/B00CNIDGWQ/ref=sr_1_24?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1371864550&sr=1-24&keywords=lost+%26+found

Passion River will sell DVDs and digital downloads to individuals, educational institutions and libraries. They already have sold copies to 50 libraries and the official release isn't until July! We are so pleased to see this getting out in places where it can inspire people to help others.