Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Your Prayers for these Concerns.

Transition  Rory & Pam Frink continue to work side by side with Bob & Carol Higgins to gain as much insight as possible in the day to day workings at Otino Waa Children’s Village, Uganda
Many times we are never aware of the details and wisdom required to “fill shoes” or take on new responsibilities.  Here is a quick glimpse of what they must learn: 
 (Pam)     “I am taking some of the duties with the house moms at Otino Waa. One of my jobs is to oversee their needs. I issue their leave passes when there is something they need to attend to. I listen to such heart aches, as death in the family or babies that are unable to eat.
I oversee their needs and repairs for their homes at Otino Waa. Recently I received the request for sleepers and brackets in the bathroom.
I went to work right away to research these requests. The sleepers turned out to be slippers. The brackets turned out to be buckets. That is part of the transition as you get used to a new dialect and culture.”
Please pray for wisdom.
Our “Vulnerable” Kids – Are you aware there are a handful of children at Otino Waa who need medical assistance on a long term basis?  
Some, such as Oscar, require multiple surgeries. 

Others, like Vickie need special shoes or other mechanical assistance.

Please pray for physical and spiritual health.  If you would like to bless these kids with designated medical funds please go HERE

Children’s Church
Each Sunday, across the road from Otino Waa, over 600 locals gather to worship at Ilera Community Church.  The building vibrates with enthusiastic song and dance. 

After a time of music and worship, the children (to age 12) are dismissed to go across the highway to their own service.  There is a mixture of community and Otino Waa kids, but the majority are from the local villages.

Please pray for wisdom and leadership as the older Otino Waa kids play an important part in teaching and shaping these young minds.  This is the future face of Uganda.

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